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90.5 KCSU-FM Broadcast Engineer (Work Study)

Rocky Mountain Student Media Corporation is committed to increasing the diversity of our staff and providing a culturally responsive work environment. We encourage applications from people of all backgrounds and abilities. While RMSMC is an independent corporation from the University, we embrace Colorado State’s Principles of Community to guide us in our educational mission.

90.5 KCSU-FM Broadcast Engineer Job Description

The mission of KCSU is to train students to collaboratively operate a radio station that
delivers and creates content that informs and inspires our listeners.

Short Description:
The Broadcast Engineer is responsible for all equipment, software, and on air issues at
KCSU. They will have hands-on experience fixing Zetta, transmitter faults, EAS malfunctions, etc. The engineer will have to be on call 24/7 to come into the station to assist other volunteers, staff, and on air content to be fixed.

KCSU is looking for students interested in learning by doing and gaining knowledge
through experience. Interested applicants are not expected to know everything about
radio equipment.

Please fill out all the required forms and return in a PDF document to The KCSU Student Media Application is included at the bottom of this document.

Preferred Knowledge/Skills/Abilities:
● Knowledge of networking and basic IT systems
● Have basic understanding of a technical facility including audio broadcasting/production
● Ability to quickly troubleshoot, repair, maintain, and install systems that facilitate the operation of the radio station
● Knowledge of audio/electrical wiring
● Ability to work independently and sometimes with little to no direction
● Able to innovate new ideas and improve on existing ideas that will improve the quality of the radio station
● Familiarity with researching technical purchases online
● Willingness to read manuals
● Willingness to create solutions that not only solve a problem, but solves it in a way that will improve the work of all KCSU staff and volunteers

Principal Duties and Responsibilities:
● Record transmitter logs at least 3X weekly
● Record EAS logs weekly
● While this is a technical position, the broadcast engineer must always practice quality customer service by responding to requests politely, explaining the situation to those who might not understand technology, and developing systems that are user friendly for everyone at the station.
● Conduct weekly walkthroughs of all KCSU rooms to take inventory and ensure everything is operating smoothly
● Keep a CLEAN organized engineering office and supply shelves
● Quickly diagnose problems with audio, applications, or hardware of the radio station and provide an alternative solution if needed to maintain uptime
● Maintain computers and hardware of the radio station to ensure that the station is constantly online, with as little down time as possible
● Recommend and/or install new hardware
● Be on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year for technical emergencies
● Working closely with the General Manager and Station Manager to ensure the station continues to run properly
● Fixing all technical problems in an effective and efficient manner
● Communicating on Slack with everyone at KCSU about tech updates for the whole station
● Communicating with the General Manager about any major changes
● Managing the TV monitor in the studio and keeping it up-to-date, working with promotions to troubleshoot and keep it running effectively
● Help manage equipment with the RMSMC Studio Operations Manager including RDS, headphones, microphones, video stream, CD players, and computers, and more
● Schedule remote content planning when the need arises for the station to run remotely.
● Practice impeccable time management: some weeks you will be lacking on to-dos and some weeks you will be overloaded, but there are always technical improvements that need to be made.
● Maintain the KCSU inventory document
● Learn the WASP equipment management system
● Work with the Web Content Editor and Web Director to write one (required) web article per semester. Web article due dates are assigned by the Station Manager.
● Work on specific tasks given to you from the Station Manager, General Manager or Programming Director

The Engineer supervises throughout year:

The Engineer’s Supervisors:
General Manager (Main), Station Manager

Job Information:
If you are an interested applicant or want more information about this position, please
see the attached document titled “90.5 KCSU-FM Production Director Application.” For
additional questions or concerns, please email

KCSU is looking for students interested in learning by doing and gaining knowledge
through experience. Interested applicants are not expected to know everything about
radio equipment.

All student management team applicants must take at least one credit class and be a degree-seeking, fee-paying Colorado State University or Front Range Community College students in good academic standing

Applications are due on Monday, March 27th, by noon. When you email in your application, include all the times you are available for a 1-hour interview between March 28th - April 7th. Interviews will be conducted in person, unless remote accommodations are requested. KCSU-FM is an equal opportunity employer.

90.5 KCSU-FM Broadcast Engineer Application 

TO: KCSU-FM Management Applicants 
FROM: Brighid Bandel, Station Manager & Asher Korn, General Manager
SUBJECT: KCSU Student Management Team Application Process 

The mission of KCSU is to train students to collaboratively operate a radio station that delivers and creates content that informs and inspires our listeners. 

Thank you for your interest in KCSU-FM for the 2023/24 school year! Please don’t hesitate to make an appointment with myself, Asher Korn, or station manager, Brighid Bandel, if you have any questions about the job description or any other matter. 

The broadcast engineer works for a 30-week period for approximately 8-hours a week for minimum wage (this is subject to change once we receive a confirmed budget for the school year). 

All student management team applicants must be full-time (twelve or more undergraduate hours or six or more graduate hours per semester), degree-seeking, fee-paying Colorado State University students in good academic standing. 

Please fill out all the required forms and return in a PDF document to All student management team members are expected to voluntarily train with their predecessor a minimum of 2-hours each week after they are hired. 

Your application is due by Monday, March 27th by noon. When you email in your application, include all the times you are available for a 1-hour interview between March 28th-April 7th. Interviews will be conducted remotely. KCSU-FM is an equal opportunity employer. 

Your application should include: 
1. One-page cover letter to: 
  • Brighid Bandel 
  • KCSU Station Manager 
  • 1101 Center Ave Mall, Suite 118 
  • Lory Student Center 
  • Colorado State University 
  • Fort Collins, CO 80523 
2. Completed application form (see below)
3. Personal Resume

KCSU Student Media Application 

Date _____________ 
Name_______________________________________________________________________________ Address_____________________________________________________________________________
Phone Number (____) ___________________ CSU ID Number _____________________
Alternative Phone Number (____) _______________ 
Year in school during the 2023-2024 academic year __________________________________
How many credits will you be taking while you work here? ____________________________ Approximate GPA __________________ 
Major ___________________________________________ 
Indicate Position(s) Desired __________________________________________________________
Date available for employment? ____________ Planned graduation date? ____________ 
Additional Comments_________________________________________________________________ 
Applicant’s physical or 


Broadcast Engineer Interview Questions

Read through and become familiar with these questions. You will be asked these questions during your interview*. There is no need to provide a written response, though you are permitted and invited to bring notes and visual/audio aids during your interview. Use these questions and the job description to prepare you for the interview. Remember, though this position is titled broadcast engineer, your responsibilities are to manage equipment and technology for the whole station, even beyond broadcast technology. 

* It is not common practice in the professional world to provide a job applicant topics
and questions in advance. In the interest of your preparation for this interview, and
because KCSU is a learning institution, we are providing you with questions to prepare
answers to. Expect more questions than this in the interview.

1. Why do you want to be the KCSU Broadcast Engineer? 
2. What is your vision of KCSU, and how does the broadcast engineer tie into that vision? 
3. What experience do you have that will help you in this position? Describe hardware, software, and communication skills regarding dealing with people and technical problems. 
4. The broadcast engineer will make some purchases for the station as delegated by the general manager. Describe your process when buying new products. Keep in mind these products are likely being used by many people at KCSU. 
5. How do you plan to manage the time commitment of this position? 
6. More than 50 people are sharing equipment at KCSU. It’s essential equipment stays organized so those who need it can find it. Talk about your organizational skills. 
7. How have you previously handled a significant tech related issue in your life? If you haven’t had a significant tech issue, describe your method for diagnosing an issue. 
8. KCSU constantly upgrades our hardware and software. How have you previously shown your ability to learn and teach others about new topics in your field? 
9. Due to COVID-19, some of the roles and responsibilities for the engineer have shifted toward a socially distant format. Some of these changes have included organizing remote content opportunities for volunteers at the station, checking out and disinfecting equipment, and managing tech issues remotely. Can you talk about your flexibility and adaptation skills? 
10. A lot of engineering work here requires patience, and sometimes reading very dull manuals. Talk about your patience level as a person and your ability to critically think through technical challenges.
11. A large part of the engineer role is to communicate clearly and act quickly, regardless of time or day. Can you talk about your communication skills and responsiveness to urgent situations? 
12. Beyond just fixing a technical problem, you must fix it in a way that serves your customers: all the staff and volunteers at KCSU. Can you talk about your experience in customer service? ie) What steps might you take to make sure that a problem is not only solved, but solved and will work for all users. 
13. Do you own a radio? Well, a lot of students don’t. What creative steps will you take to keep students engaged with KCSU content? 
14. Would you be open to another position outside of this department at KCSU? (This is unusual but we always like to check.)